Frequently Asked Questions
Kiloton receives many questions regarding DIY and tools, tool accessories. Here we provide you with all the answers to your questions as well as tips on how to get the best out of your power tools. Please feel free to post any questions that you may have in the discussion box below.
Any orbital sanding disc with a 125mm diameter. The grit and brand is totally up to you. Be sure to check our Ruwag’s range of Random Orbital Sanding Sheets. They are available in 60, 80, 120 and 180 grit.
MMA Process
- Most commonly called stick welding
- Also known as MMA (manual metal arc), anf SMAW (shielded metal arc welding)
- MMA Welders are ideal for General repairs and maintenance
- Can weld in windy, outdoor conditions
- Simple in operation & portable
TIG Welding Process
- TIG = Tungsten Inert Gas Welding
- Provides high quality welds
- Precise and accurate welding on thin material highly aesthetic weld beads
- Capable of welding mild carbon steel, aluminium and other metals with just a single shielding gas, argon
Plasma Process
- Can cut any conductive metals
- Neat precise cuts
- Low heat affected zone which prevents warping
- Works with compressed air
MIG Welding Process
- MIG = Metal Inert Gas Welding – Argon (or MAG = metal active gas welding) CO2 Welding
- Easiest welding process to learn
- Ideal for workshop or factory environments
- Best suited for fabrication work
- Welds up to 4 times faster than MMA Welding
- Not suitable for windy, outdoor conditions
Flux Cored Mig Welding Process
- FCAW = Flux Cored Arc Welding
- Can be used without GAS or Gas assisted
- Can weld in windy, outdoor conditions
- Works as well as Stick on rusty or dirty material
- Polarity needs to be reversed
- Deeper penetration for welding thick sections
- Increased metal deposition (easily two or three times that of Stick Welding)
The SCJ-50 Self-Locking Cube Jack is a safer, more efficient alternative to the jack-and-pack method with wooden cribbing.
The ScJ-50 is derived from he proven Enerpac Jack-up system. The Cube Jack has a small footprint and is usebale in confined spaces, providing heavy lift contractors with a stable lift up to 2 metres. The cribbing blocks are lightweight and can be handled manually.
To achieve high-precision movement of heavy objects it is necessary to control and synchronize the movement of multiple lifting points.
The PLC-control uses feedback form multiple sensors to control the lifting, lowering and positioning of any large, heavy or complex structure, regardless of weight distribution.
By varying the oil flow to each cylinder, the system maintains very accurate positional control. By eliminating manual intervention, the sync lift helps maintain structural integrity and increases the productivity and safety of the lift.
PLC-controlled synchronous lifting systems reduce the risk of bending, twisting or tilting, due to uneven weight distribution or load-shifts between the lift points.
View the EVOB & EVO-Series Synchronous Lifting Systems to find the most suitable option for you.
Your jack might not be lifting due to any one of the reasons lifted below.
- Your jack might be overloaded
- The oil levels might be low
- Air could be trapped
- The release valve could be faulty
Inspect your jack thoroughly.
If a power tool runs too hot to touch when you are using it in normal conditions it is probably telling you it needs help. Air is drawn in through intake ports by the fan on the motor and expelled through output ports, cooling the tool. Sawdust, a by-product of woodworking, will clog these ports as well as lodge into other greasy nooks and crannies of the tool restricting air flow.Eventually the motor may overheat to the point that it will melt down and die.
If you have an air compressor,give the intake port a shot of air with the tool running when you are finished using the tool for the day.
If you don’t have one, the tool should be disassembled when a noticeable amount of dust has accumulated in the air ports and the dust removed with a brush. Be careful not to damage the fan blades when doing this.
If your power tool needs help to get going or there is excessive sparking in the motor, (up to 1/4″ long arcs are normal) the brushes probably need to be replaced.
Some tools have external covers that can be removed to change the brushes, while others have to be partially taken apart. Be careful when removing the covers- the brushes are spring loaded and may pop out on you. Examine the length of both brushes; if they are less than 1/4″ long they will need to be replaced.
Brushes may be ordered as original parts from the manufacturer or you can use generic products if they are available. Some new brushes are flat on the end and need to be seated to the curvature of the armature by running the tool with no load for a while.
If you suspect your power supply may be the cause of your tool not working, be sure to check the power outlet, the cord and the switch. Check the outlet first to make sure that the circuit breaker has not been tripped.
Physically examine the cord for cuts or frayed sections. If the cord looks good, wiggle it where it enters the tool and at the plug as wires will often break from stress at these points.
A new generic plug can be put on the cord – if the cord has to be replaced, the tool will have to be disassembled. If this needs to be done, carefullycut the wires off about an inch long, leaving some coloured insulation remaining on the stubs. Fit the new cord and attach the wires one at a time by removing the old stubs and attaching the new ones by matching the colours. If you find that the switch is defective you will have to order a replacement part and you will need the model of the tool for this. When you get the new switch compare it to the original. Draw a diagram of the wiring on paper andthen replace the switch by removing and connecting one wire at a time.
- A rubber tube on the inside
- 2 layers of wire braid
- A protective rubber layer on the outside
If the wire braid can be seen from the outside, it is time to replace the hose.Rubber hoses have a 2:1 safety factor. Thermoplastic hoses are frequently used with power-driven hydraulic pumps. Only 700 series thermoplastic hoses have a 4:1 safety factor.
In general hydraulic hoses consist of three important parts – these is an inner tube which transports liquid substances such as water or oil. The hose is then reinforced with a layer of braided wire, textile-based yarn or spiral wire; and the outside is usually protected with a third layer that will protect it from the elements.
- Kinking and flexing the hose too much
- Exposing the hose to extreme temperatures
- Operating temperatures that fluctuate dramatically
- A sharp and sudden rise and fall of internal pressures
- Using the wrong hose for the wrong application
- Hoses that are kinked or tightly bent will damage the wire braid. The hoses can only be bent to a radius of approximately 12 cm. Therefore there should be no less than 24 cm between the straight sections of the hose.
- The fittings on the hose are the most delicate part of the hose, so always refrain from bending the hose at the fitting. Ensure that the strain relief (spring or boot) guard is over the fitting which will help to support the hose.
- The layout of the hoses should be done in such a way that there is minimal risk of damage from vehicles and trucks. Be especially careful not to drop any heavy objects onto the hose.
- Never pull your pump by the hose; you are likely to damage either the hose or the connection which could have serious consequences
- Avoid at all costs pressurising a hose which has a kink or sharp bend.
- Avoid storing your Hydraulic equipment in very warm areas, as the pressure could increase due to heat.
Note: It is wise to take into account that all hydraulic systems operate under extremely high pressure in order to drive machinery – often massive machines in the work environment. Hoses that fail at high pressure can cause extensive damage and whip about with extreme violence, injuring anyone in the vicinity.
Hydraulic pressure hoses need to be checked regularly to ensure that they last long and remain safe in the work environment. Always discard damaged hoses to eliminate the risk of someone else using the hose. The next user might not notice the damage until the hose is pressurised. A leak in a hose can cause high pressure oil to penetrate your skin.
- Start by checking the handle and body casing of the tool for any cracks or other visible damages.
- Ensure that all auxiliary or double handles are installed securely (although not all power tools consist of an auxiliary or more than one handle)
- Inspect the cord for any defects like cracking.
- Check for damaged switches and ones with faulty trigger locks.
- Inspect the plug for cracks and for missing, lose or faulty points.
Depending on the type of instrument and the environment in which it is being used, it may degrade very quickly or over a long period of time. The bottom line is that, calibration improves the accuracy of the measuring device. Accurate measuring devices improves product quality.
Metric – mm
Imperial – inch
Bound to forget this? We’ve got your covered.
mm – “M” etric
inch – “I” imperial
How to convert Metric to Imperial and Visa Versa:
1″ = 25.4mm
Hand, battery, electric, air and gasoline pumps all work on the same principle. The operating fluid flows into the pump past suction/inlet valves, into the pump during the suction cycle, then the fluid inside the pump flows through the delivery/outlet valves during the delivery cycle.
Hydraulics uses fluids which and almost in compressible, why as pneumatics uses gas/air which is compressible this has a couple of main issues:
Issue One: If a pneumatic component fails the compressed gas/air rapidly expands in an explosive fashion which is extremely dangerous.
Issue Two: Because of the compressibility issue, a pneumatic cylinder will always move whereas a hydraulic cylinder will be stable.
Issue Three: Also because of the dangers involved with compressed gas/air pressures are generally limited to 7 bar apporx. meaning cylinders would need to be extremely large to generate the same force (force = pressure x effective area)
Hydraulics is a term used for any fluid which can be pumped. Hydraulic Oil is the preferred fluid because it offers lubrication to the components in the system and does not cause corrosion.
Main reason: Safety!
The gauge gives you a “window” into the hydraulic system so that you can see what pressure/load you are applying. If you achieve 80% of the pressure it gives the operator the chance to consider if the equipment is good for the application.
Glycerine gauges should always be used with powered pumps or where there will be “shock” loads such as pullers, nut cutters or presses.
Enerpac recommends every 6 yease according to the DIM Norm. It is important to note that hoses should be inspected before each use for any visible damages.
No, but we can calibrate gauges at an additional cost.
No, if a test certificate is required Enerpac must be informed when the order is placed. Additional costing may apply.
Enerpac cylinders does not have the CE mark because they don’t know what the application is so therefore Enerpac cannot conduct a risk assesment.
No. Enerpac’s Global Warrantee statement confirms that should any other hydraulic oil be used instead of the Enerpac Hydraulic Oil (blue), the warrantee will forfeit.
The recommended safety for the customer is to not work systems at their full capacity should there be a miscalculation in the application you can still rely on the remaining 20%.
You can use any Enerpac pump with a 20 ton Enerpac Cylinder if it has enough oil to fill the cylinder. Pumps are not rated in tonnage but in bar or PSI. (Pressure x Effective Area = Tonnage)